Sedation or general anesthesia are used in dentistry to help patients relax and stay comfortable in the dental chair. The goal of these techniques is to prepare a comfortable environment for anxious dental patients and to keep calm them during dental procedures. Different types of sedation or general anesthesia can be safely administered in our Dental Center.
General anesthesia is commonly used to facilitate longer dental procedures (>1-1.5h) in patients with anxiety or cooperation difficulty, many of whom are children or patients with special needs. General anesthesia is characterized a drug induced loss of consciousness in which the patient cannot be respond even painful stimuli. The detailed clinical and laboratory assesment is mandatory in any patient undergoing general anesthesia.
Sedation dentistry uses different medication to help patients relax and feeling good during dental treatment. Patients are usually awake but relaxed and happy. The level of sedation can be changed that depends on the dose of anesthetic drug used.
The levels of sedation used in dentisry;
Minimal sedation ……….. you are awake but relaxed
Moderate sedation …….. you are slightly sleepy and may confuse your words when speaking and not remember dental procedure.
Deep sedation…………….. you are very sleepy but can stil be awakened
Who Needs Sedation/General Anesthesia In Dentistry
Uncooperative patients (especially children under 6 years and mentally disabled patients)
Phobia related dental treatment or needle
Resistance to local anesthetics
General anxiety disorder
Allergy to local anesthetic drugs
Procedures which are long duration or complicated
If you recognize yourself in any of those problematic situations, consider your dentist about using sedation/general anesthesia in dentistry.